Tuesday, July 10, 2007

AGLOCO update: 100th post!

and now... for our 100th post!

I wanted to give everybody a quick update on the AGLOCO company that I started talking about a couple months back. They've finally released their viewbar - I'm a little disappointed because no one signed up - and the few who did, Didn't follow the directions and Signed up without My referral ID!!!

That sucks.

What they are doing is a 'little' bit different from my Last experience with Paid to Surf, but the general idea is still the same.

Instead of paying directly for hours surfed... they're giving away Stock in the company - shares that will be worth money, Some day. Not a bad idea, especially if the company becomes a major success ... like Google or Yahoo - and if it crashes, no big deal because none of Us put any money in, so we wouldn't be Losing money either.

They will spread money out to it's members that is left over once they start earning some; and that's cool too - but mainly they're paying in Stock, for now.

There is also a limit of how many hours you can surf - up to 5 hours per day that they'll pay you for - Which isn't bad; Not everyone spends more time online than that anyways. The bar itself is Very slim, sleek, unobtrusive.

It's worth it just to see what happens; You're not gonna make money any other way WHILE surfing the web, so you might aswell sign up and give it a try.

My link - http://www.agloco.com/r/BBDR8973

Sign up Today! Download the ViewBar and start earning Stock/Money Today! Tell everyone on your myspace about it - tell all your friends and family in your Email Address Book - give them your Referral link, and encourage them to do the same.

Together we can all make LOTS of money ... in stock. =)

More updates on this are on the way - talk with you soon.

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