Thursday, April 17, 2008

Barrack vs. Clinton - In PA

Once again, they went at it folks...

And once again they are harping on Barrack's assocation with Rev. Wright.

Again, I take issue with how the media turns a blind eye to the history of this country; which I Just wrote about, as only having the potential to be great; Because of it's past, the comments made by Reverend Wright, were right. They were truthful; and yet they continue to try to 'spin' this in a negative direction;

Click here to watch the debate between them on this topic:

What do you think of all this? It's clearly not going away, so was he "Wright?"

Clinton talks about how we need to find a way to bring people together, and I agree - we do; and I will continue to say the only way to do this, is to get White People to stop talking so positively about every aspect of America - to stop being so Polarizing, to get rid of the "You're ether with us all the way, or you're against us" ... if you dont see everything about America's past as a positive.

It's completely unrealistic, and inconsiderate towards black people to take this tone; and to tell black people that they NEED To also have this tone, or else they're Un-American.

America has never stood for justice or equality for black people.

America has never had the backs of black people in this country; and Recent events like Katrina don't help change that perception; the ongoing problems in black communities which NOBODY seems to care about, doesn't help change that perception. And the actions our media is taking to completely disregard the point made by this preacher, to call his comments crazy, divisive, and the like - none of those actions or decisions change the perception, that America does not care about black people.

I called into the Tammy Bruce show a couple weekends ago and had this very conversaton with her on the air; I let her know that she influences many people listening to her show, and that it's irresponsable of her to make the kinds of comments she makes on the air; Comments that equate this man to a psychotic nutjob; All in efforts to undermine his message...

If you do wrong to others - others will want to do wrong to you.

America is a country that has, and in many people's eyes, continues to do wrong to others; So ... others will want to do wrong to America.

What's so divisive about that? What's so crazy ... so odd?

We're talking about Human Nature here...

anyways, that's my thoughts on this matter, please be sure to share yours below.

Watch Obama discuss "patriotism" & "manufactured issues":

Also, watch Barrack "Brush his Shoulders off" as he discusses the "new record" set by last night's debate:

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