Friday, April 07, 2006

The Power of the Internet...

What do you use the internet for?

As I dive into this world of blogging and podcasting - just as I dove recently into the world of Web Design, I'm finding that there are BILLIONS of other websites, and I'm sure there are just as many blogs and podcasts... So just what's going to make you come to check out mine?

Perhaps content - conversation about Relevant things in your life. That's one HUGE benefit that the internet does bring - it's the grandfather of On Demmand programming, just perfect for this microwave society - where people want everything Right Now!

And if you could have "anything" right now - what would it be?

How bizzare is it, that you can just about find "that" - whatever "it" actually is, right here online - in a search engine on yahoo, google, or ask jeeves. What a device this thing truly is.

What "should we" use a device like that for? Are we using it wisely? I suppose those are questions that come down to the individual and that person's goals in life. I've found the internet to be an incredible tool in helping me reach goals, and find ways to make other goals an eventual reality.

I've met people, and read about people who've done some amazing things with the internet, and so I'm really interested in hearing about the MOST interesting ways to spend your time, online.

leave your comments below, or email us at

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